Francie Lorey’s Retirement

By |Published On: March 6, 2018|Categories: News|

Francie Lorey’s Retirement

In the late 70’s, after publishing the Joni book and filming the Joni movie, floods of letters began coming in from people with disabilities all over the world — asking about my faith in Jesus, what to do about depression, my thoughts on miraculous healing, and more. And to help me correspond were the “friends” of Joni and Friends — people who volunteered their time typing up my letters. Like Francie Lorey, a mother of three who volunteered during school hours and could type over 100 words per minute. With her incredible typing speed and Christ-like attitude, it’s no wonder she quickly became my executive secretary.

For over 37 years, Francie has served as my hands — sitting alongside me and typing countless articles, radio programs, books, messages, and ministry letters. Francie has traveled with me around the world, taking me to Family Retreats, Wheels for the World trips, and speaking engagements. And on many an occasion, she has lent me a listening ear or extended a word of wisdom. More than an employee, Francie is one of my dearest friends and sisters in Christ. It’s why I will miss her greatly as she retires from the ministry and enters this new season of life.

While I will no longer hear the “tak-tak-tak” of Francie’s hands dancing over the keyboard, her faithful service through the years will reverberate through future generations. In her farewell letter to our staff, Francie wrote:

“It’s exciting to see a younger generation of Christian leaders use their skills to reach disabled people for Christ through Joni and Friends. I leave you to continue that challenge along with this verse from I Corinthians 15:58, ‘Therefore [my dear co-workers], stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.’”

Good words for you too, friend, no matter what season you’re in. Because when we serve the Lord wholeheartedly, blessings abound! So God bless you Francie and congratulations on your retirement. And friend, if you so wish, leave a word of blessing or a comment below for Francie.

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